Home Best practices Rubí Brilla
Rubí (Catalunya, Spain)
Initiative led by the city council (Rubí) to increase the energy efficiency and the use or renewables in Rubí.
Overall action plans that cover the industry, commercial and domestic sectors.
The goal is to increase competitiveness and achieve environmental gains. 11 industrial parks are involved (together with the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya-UPC and the Cartographic Institute-ICGC). Implemented activities:
3 - the solution is identified as high strategic importance.
2 - the solution is successfully implemented, and it has achieved environmental OR economic benefits.
3 - the solution has been achieved through a joint approach of more than 5 organisations.
3 - the solution demonstrates high potential for replication and/or is scalable.
Public-private partnership. Overarching Project: energy efficiency in the entire territory. Combined funding. Strong business cooperation. Very significant electricity and telecommunications cost savings (20% in electricity and 40% in telecommunications on average)
Ajuntament de Rubí
Pacte Industrial de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona (2016): Guía de iniciativas locales hacia la transición energética en los polígonos industriales